True North TN20 Inbuilt

If you’re looking for an inbuilt wood heater that doesn’t compromise on heat, performance, or environmental considerations, look no further than the True North TN20 Inbuilt wood heater.

Designed for the cold Canadian winters, the TN20 Inbuilt fights the cold with its impressive heat output of 200m². This heat output is helped by two fans snuck just behind the fascia, which helps blow the warm air into the room. And with a burn time of up to 15 hours, you’re looking at a long burning, warm burning, wood burner.

The environmental conditions are always considered when bringing wood heaters into Australia, and they are all tested to current Australian Standards. The TN20 Inbuilt tested at 66% efficiency, meaning it burns less wood than most other wood heaters. And with emissions as low as 1.1g, the wood it does burn burns cleanly, putting less CO2 into the atmosphere.

It’s not hard to see why the TN20 Inbuilt is a Canadian favourite when it comes to inbuilt wood heating, with its remarkable heat and clean burning, and it is now available for your Australian home.

Efficiency Emissions Heating Capacity Fascia Dimensions Dimensions
66% 1.8g 200 – 220m² 965 x 686 640 x 511 x 454